Scott's NFL prospects were tarnished by his off-the-field issues.
Moss's stock fell because of a number of off-the-field issues.
Some teams refused to draft Moss two years ago because of off-the-field issues.
He was let go by Ryan in 1989, however, due to off-the-field issues.
In 1998, Bowden faced criticism for recruiting woes, off-the-field issues, and player discipline, which eventually led to his resignation after a 1-5 start on the season.
There will also be players who take the annual draft-day plunge because of off-the-field issues and health concerns.
They said of Ringer, "No off-the-field issues we are aware of.
For Edwards it is the off-the-field issues - cutting players and dealing with injuries - that are the most painful part of his new job.
The defense needs to replace a lot of talent and overcome some off-the-field issues.
Managing those and other off-the-field issues can be as important as putting together a game plan, Lewis told the gathering.