By entering the school debate, in which race is never far from the surface, Mr. Bloomberg is now encountering a tangle of exposed nerve endings and delicate sensibilities, and the usual assortment of egos, challenging his off-the-cuff style.
The off-the-cuff style pioneered by his programmes involved tremendously hard work for both crew and presenter, usually in primitive conditions.
Longtime friends of Mr. Kouchner are delighted for him, but worried that his blunt-speaking, off-the-cuff style may clash with that of his new boss.
But behind Mr. Spano's off-the-cuff style, behind the charismatic smile and hearty handshake, is a carefully designed campaign to maintain his image.
His off-the-cuff style seems amateurish next to Inglis' polished mini-essays.
His off-the-cuff style in the national spotlight earned him blistering criticism and outright mockery.
As styles changed in the 1960s and 1970s, his more fluid, off-the-cuff style became his trademark.
Myka is at first annoyed by Pete's childlike nature and off-the-cuff style, which clashes with her by-the-book approach; however, after season one, she begins to find Pete's manner less annoying and more endearing.
Despite their feelings for each other, Myka's by-the-book approach and Pete's off-the-cuff style often causes conflict between them; however, they've learned to appreciate each other's strengths and work together exceptionally well as a team.
Combined with Ms. Freed's eccentric, off-the-cuff style and a tendency to collect enemies, Council District 1 has become one of the most politically combustible parts of the city.