She began to sing along in an off-key voice.
Maggie sang too, in her husky, slightly off-key voice, and laughed until her sides ached.
He further accents his lyrics by singing them in a purposely off-key voice, often adding exclamations of "eehee!"
The vicar cleared his throat and began to sing in a rusty, off-key voice.
Hearst hummed, in his usual high off-key voice, a few bars of "Everybody Works but Father," the year's popular song.
Not even with the loud, seriously off-key voices screening his sounds from below.
The tenor of "Trio the Minor" who sings in a high pitched and very off-key voice.
Then in a hoarse, off-key voice, he began to sing.
Of a kiss good night, or a crayoned Mother's Day card, or a voice off-key in the shower.
I heard a laugh and then the first soldier's voice, slurry and off-key, singing the old wedding song.