According to the latest estimates by the Forest Service, almost 36 million Americans use off-highway vehicles, a figure that does not include sport utility vehicles.
Other vehicles that do not travel public streets or highways are generally termed off-highway vehicles, including tractors, forklifts, cranes, backhoes, bulldozers, and golf carts.
Other threats included off-highway vehicles, people treading through the meadow, and illegal dumping.
The first 150 Botond off-highway vehicles were supplied.
The park is patrolled by California State Park Peace Officers by vehicle, vessel and off-highway vehicle.
Road access is limited although the Peace River Wildland Provincial Park features a number of trails for hiking, off-highway vehicle riding and snowmobiling.
Scammell Lorries Limited was a British manufacturer of trucks, particularly specialist and military off-highway vehicles, from 1921 to 1988.
In some cases it's a necessity rather than a choice: Some remote wilderness areas are accessible only by off-highway vehicles.
Allison has traditionally concentrated on automatic transmissions for large heavy-duty trucks, buses and off-highway vehicles.
Most of the recreation is concentrated along forest road 72S11 in the southeast where off-highway vehicles are frequent.