Like other Tinamous, the White-throated Tinamou eats fruit off the ground or low-lying bushes, as well as invertebrates, flower buds, tender leaves, seeds, and roots.
New Caledonian crows are also able to manufacture tools by breaking twigs off bushes and then trimming them in order to produce functional stick tools.
If you wrote a program for picking bugs off bushes you would have to program in every bug in the world, and size and rotation position and everything else.
The blast from it blew the leaves off bushes and stirred up little dust devils, who uttered unkind syllables and fled.
He slid twenty feet, snapping twigs off bushes and causing a small rock slide.
Like other Tinamous, the Bartlett's eats fruit off the ground or low-lying bushes.
Like other tinamous, the Huayco Tinamou eats fruit off the ground or low-lying bushes.
Like other Tinamous, the Pale-browed Tinamou eats fruit off the ground or low-lying bushes, and small amounts of invertebrates, flower buds, tender leaves, seeds, and roots.
Like other tinamous, the White-bellied Nothura eats fruit off the ground or low-lying bushes.
He roared, and the blast of his breath blew the leaves off the nearest trees and bushes and shook the clouds in their or- bits.