As he entered the spaceship, the odor seemed to rise up from nowhere and surround him.
Mykel thought that the air wasn't that good, although the odor seemed less.
He turned around, sniffing, and then pulled Tappy along in the direction from which the odor seemed to come.
A tangy, metallic odor seemed to come from that direction, so with a pounding heart she took the turn.
A ghastly, choking, fetid odor seemed to come from below.
That odour seemed to have imbedded itself in the low-roofed houses and the narrow road over the course of many years.
Indeed, the odor didn't diminish but seemed to ripen.
As the moments passed, the miasmic odor that gripped the chamber seemed to grow less intense.
The heavy odor of incense seemed to cling about its pages and to trouble the brain.
We will neutralize the smell of us, though, since odor does seem to get through their chitinous skulls.