Who charged them with this odious task?
An independent British referee was given the odious task of drawing the borders, knowing full well that the effects would be catastrophic for countless people.
New technology is making this tedious task less odious, and surprisingly, it is not that expensive.
She would definitely not have acted the way she did had she been forced against her will to carry out her odious tasks.
Who "in order to distinguish itself in this odious task, were led to unprecedented excesses".
Perhaps because many still feel that writing a contemporary novel should be tackled no differently from any other odious task.
That was not exactly an odious task even when they weren't doing anything, but, so far, watching her had yielded no results.
And now I am faced with the odious task of explaining away Bloomingdale's to my children.
I came down the steps whistling to myself in strictly human fashion, overjoyed that this odious task had been accomplished.
No use being a manager if one couldn't delegate at least a few of the more odious tasks.