The fund's list holds a libidinous appeal that is oddly lacking from most preservationist appeals.
Indeed, though the subject of this show is physical attraction, it is oddly lacking in erotic energy.
Even though neither movie is set in the Middle Ages, each is oddly lacking in computers.
Apple-banana cake oddly lacked the flavor of apples or bananas.
Even dramatic continuity is oddly lacking in a work from such practiced artists.
'Jump to page-number' (an oddly lacking feature in many readers)?
Western herbal literature is oddly lacking in contraceptive advice, Bernard discovered.
His eyes were deep-set and dark, and yet she had always felt they were oddly lacking in expression.
Night life at Serre Che is oddly lacking, as big tour groups take over entire hotels where they mostly keep to themselves.
However, his hair almost always has the same criss-cross pattern as Archie (which Archie's father oddly lacks).