It was eagerness and an odd, solemn stillness, the sudden certainty that she was facing the approach of something unknown and of the gravest importance.
It was a cold morning, but not bitter, and there was an odd stillness to the air.
An odd stillness descended.
She was motionless herself, caught in his odd stillness, the little ivory ball in one hand, the mage-light at her feet.
The rain had stopped, and there was an odd stillness outside as the enemy made their usual dawn withdrawals.
Time became a surreal in the odd stillness.
This was what he'd been afraid of when they'd first beamed over to the Sreba a relapse into the odd stillness that had come over Dax once before.
Over our drought-stricken state, plagued in the north with forest fires, an odd stillness prevails, except about the weather.
An odd stillness hovered between them, but only for a moment before Maxwell gave himself another little shake.
Children were warned against straying-venturing into places where there was an odd stillness, more like waiting than abandonment.