Melie had seen the warning Third icon too and felt the same, odd ripple in the Cascade.
That was when Robinton realized that those odd ripples of power had not emanated from the dragonriders, or the dragons.
Our eyes, too, reflexively scanned the river, eyeing odd ripples, catching on shadows.
He touched it lightly and felt the odd ripples in the airframe's skin.
Could it be that the odd ripple it felt in the lines of power was the third intruder, changed in form?
It spread waves out in odd, flat ripples that beat a counterpart to the normal progression of waves.
Discovery of a slightly blurred bather at rest in the background, however, raises speculation that the odd, watery ripples radiating from the reclining figure might symbolize dream patterns.
The commanders handled it without even moving and from the surface the movement would have shown nothing but a series of odd ripples.
That meant- Then Stile saw an odd ripple slowly crossing the cham- ber.
The clothing gave a subtle accent to his humanoid appearance, revealing the odd ripples of alien muscles here and there about his body.