With their odd reversal of fortune, the Jets seem to be looking into a distant mirror.
It was an odd reversal of procedure.
It's an odd reversal, if you think about it.
Intermission-hopping was an odd reversal of the theatergoing experience.
"Baby Quilt" looks like a freehand contact sheet - an odd reversal for conventional influence pathways.
(In an odd reversal, she later denied that Pauline was Tutsi.)
The sudden enthusiasm for regulation by some short sellers is an odd reversal of roles.
Meanwhile, there has been an odd reversal.
Reading "Starbucked" produced an odd reversal of roles and left me, at least, feeling less like a student of the subject than a teacher.
If the Public Service Commission approves the deal today, it would be an odd reversal of expectations in what has been a two-track regulatory process.