At this point, the movie changes from an essentially realistic film with hallucinatory touches into a surreal movie with odd allegorical overtones.
But much of this and the other dances on the program has odd overtones of Antony Tudor.
The resulting sounds exceeded the range of conventional tuning and added unusual effects, from odd overtones to metallic noises, to his play.
I catch odd mental overtones from you, old chap.
The resulting sounds exceed the range of conventional tuning and add interesting effects, from odd overtones to metallic noises.
The method of separation of variables can also be applied in this case, and it leads to a series of odd overtones.
His voice is high-pitched, with odd, reedlike overtones.
He began to feel the full emotional cleansing of relief, but with odd overtones of disquiet trailing along behind.
The idea of modern took on an odd overtone for him.
"Ah," said the voice, a rumbling bass with odd overtones, "but isss the young gentleman quite prrreparrred to meet me?"