A rotund little man wearing a skull-cap and octagonal glasses rose from his place behind a counter, and came around to confront us.
I caught the powerful scent of it as he filled her small, heavy octagonal glass.
Moretti tried staring me down, then put on a pair of rimless octagonal glasses, cleared his throat, and began to read.
A man, human, pale and blue-eyed, with octagonal glasses and long brown hair tied back.
He was younger than Laird-just thirty, in fact-with octagonal glasses and rather thin, severe features, which made him look more serious than he was.
The town has a library in the town centre which is housed in a distinctive 1960s octagonal glass and Purbeck Stone building.
As he poured a generous serving of a green-tinged liquid into an octagonal glass, he considered his options for the remainder of the evening.
Burr slipped on his octagonal glasses.
The Colonel's octagonal glasses marked his place.
She was wearing octagonal horn-rimmed glasses and carried a book in her right hand, her forefinger keeping the place.