South Africa's version of this climate features heavy oceanic influences resulting in generally milder temperatures.
It has an oceanic influence which keeps temperatures mild throughout the year.
Nanortalik has a polar climate with oceanic influences, which cause low temperature differences between seasons.
Due to this varied topography and oceanic influence, a great variety of climatic zones exist.
It is generally breezy with a strong oceanic influence.
Mayumbe is south of the equator in the equatorial zone with oceanic influence and has two main seasons.
The oceanic influence keeps the temperature lower in summer and higher in winter as compared to the inland.
The oceanic influence keeps the temperature lower than that in the summer and higher in winter.
The Magellanic moorland occurs on the western edge of the region where the oceanic influence is strongest.
Therefore, there's less oceanic influence, making for a shorter growing season and grapes with a higher acid content.