The effort has created a dispute with Airbus, Boeing's only major competitor, as well as a re-evaluation by safety experts of whether it is still appropriate to set safety rules governing oceanic flights based on how many engines a plane has.
Pan Am hired experienced nautical navigators for oceanic flights.
"Radar sen ice terminated, cleared to contact oceanic flight following."
In 1928, the Ontario Surveyor General named a number of lakes in the northwest of the province to honour aviators who had perished during 1927, mainly in attempting oceanic flights.
Here, above the United States, speeding toward the end of the oceanic flight, Henry Arnaud had gained the remarkable suspicion that there was a mystery aboard this airship!
The postwar use of piston-engine aircraft in oceanic flights was a key element of the film which required the use of a then-modern airliner.
The recent oceanic flights", he said at the time, "coupled with the preliminary tests of heavy bombing planes, have startled the world with the tremendous power of aviation.