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It was suggested in 1954 to establish a small dock, deep enough for large ocean-going vessels.
This is no different than how ocean-going vessels are chopped up and recycled.
Ocean-going vessels with more than 12 passengers are required to have a doctor aboard.
Such a canal could be built large enough for recreational use and ocean-going vessels.
It is capable of building and repairing large ocean-going vessels.
We didn't have enough ocean-going vessels in our own tanker fleet.
Engineering had finally killed all forward propulsion, so the ship was not even much of an ocean-going vessel.
Within a year, he had acquired several ocean-going vessels.
It is estimated that on an average day more than 3,000 species alone are in transit aboard ocean-going vessels.
Ocean-going vessels of largest size and deepest draft could navigate there.
Located at the mouth of the Pool, the new dock allowed for larger ocean-going vessels to berth.
The deck began to roll like the deck of an ocean-going vessel.
A ship canal was proposed as a way of giving ocean-going vessels direct access to Manchester.
Until then, as far as ocean-going vessels were concerned, mass production had been an alien concept.
By the 19th century, they were building ocean-going vessels that shipped goods as far as Europe.
The ore is unusually pure, located near the surface and easily accessible to ocean-going vessels.
Since then, 45 yards have closed, leaving only 17 yards cabable of building ocean-going vessels.
These range from simple rowing boats of just a few feet in length to hundred-foot ocean-going vessels.
Two canals bring ocean-going vessels into the port.
Second, the bay is for the most part shallow and the channel is often occupied with ocean-going vessels.
The channel is navigable by ocean-going vessels and thus plays a critical role in the economy of Burma.
The net cost to Japanese airfields, personnel, planes and ocean-going vessels were tremendous.
Despite revenues of about $3.5 billion, only a small percentage of the 17,000 registered ocean-going vessels are thought to be profitable.
But this is a sturdy, ocean-going vessel built to German Lloyd specifications.
Ocean-going vessels can travel through the Xiang to reach Changsha.