It was the feeling of a passenger on an ocean steamer whose mind will not give him rest until he has been in the engine-room and talked with the engineer.
Even many people who went to the Americas began their journeys to the ocean steamers in Bremen here.
Is it uncommon for the best ocean steamers to be two or three days behind time?
Many of his inventions are used by ocean steamers all over the world.
The line also exploited the large wharf at Kingsport as a regional shipping point for schooners and ocean steamers.
Captain Barneson was also a pioneer in the use of oil as a fuel for ocean steamers.
Then the white-crested waves began to move, and the big ocean steamers and full-rigged sailing ships looked less and less like toys.
I remember passing coal on an ocean steamer through eight days of hell, during which time we coal- passers were kept to the job by being fed with whisky.
They waved their adieus to Mr. Sparling from the deck of an ocean steamer next morning as the big ship slowly poked its nose out into the gulf.
It is only a day's journey from the seaport of the ocean steamers, having waterway all the year round and a good beach front.