"First the continents," Dediase said, "the great land masses exposed when the oceans receded in prehistoric times."
On 26 May 2008, the ocean inexplicably receded 2 - 3 metres before suddenly hitting the area with great strength.
Look, the ocean recedes, and slippery brown beasts lie stranded and gasp-ing on the naked sea floor!
"But perhaps it will at least buy us time until the oceans again recede."
The oceans of Inferno, never very deep to begin with, receded at incredible speed as the ice grew ever deeper in the north.
The cross-sections of the exposed cliffs show how 200,000 years ago the ocean rose and receded.
Since the ice caps were larger, the oceans receded.
A struggle ensued; the ocean receded and rose again.
Then it came to him that Four City must have been built before the world grew hot and the oceans receded.
The sky was a piercing, perfect blue, and the ocean had receded to an apologetic calm.