It has been 30 years since the United States last conducted a top-to-bottom review of ocean policy.
Section 2- States the mission of the caucus which is to enable further dialogue regarding coastal area and ocean policy.
The 18-member group presented its own recommendations on ocean policy to Congress and the Administration.
He said the two groups would draw on the resources of several cabinet departments to offer guidance and recommendations on ocean policy.
Recognizing the critical importance of our oceans, the Administration has issued an interim framework for ocean policy.
The organization helps formulate ocean policy at the federal and state government levels based on Peer reviewed science.
The 16-member commission presented recommendations for a new and comprehensive national ocean policy.
The national ocean policy and the associated coordinating structure will require adequate funding for implementation.
The Administration and Congress should establish a national ocean policy.
Securing additional funding to support management, science, and education programs that are the foundation of robust national ocean policy.