The main industry in Fortune is the ocean fishery which employs 400 residents.
But he said that major ocean fisheries were being managed better now.
A 2010 study has considered whales to be a positive influence to the productivity of ocean fisheries, in what has been termed a "whale pump."
This article traces British-United States negotiations regarding ocean fisheries from 1783 to 1910.
Oregon has one of the largest salmon-fishing industries in the world, although ocean fisheries have reduced the river fisheries in recent years.
They are often involved as bycatch in many ocean fisheries and are protected through many acts of legislation.
Fish farming, meanwhile, has become more lucrative worldwide as people seek more fish in their diet for better health, and ocean fisheries increasingly are being depleted.
All coastal states have such artificial reef programs in the interest of increasing ocean fisheries but not all participate in RTR.
They police ocean fisheries for pollution, night poaching, illegal stream diversions, marijuana plantations, and oil spills.
However, to date it has not yet been proven that sustainable management of ocean fisheries is anything but possible.