Adele paid no attention to Nikitin, the planet they were orbiting, beyond noting that it was a glowing blue ball of ocean dotted with islands.
Much of the eastern map is taken up by ocean, dotted with island groups - a player need not occupy every single island to control the group, provided no enemy units are present.
Ahead of us is the ocean dotted with islands, beyond which lies the coast of China.
The regimental Space Strike Command team looked down on open ocean dotted with scattered islands and a hurtling, delta-wing landing craft.
The image of a planet seen from space filled her mind, strange continents, deep oceans dotted with long island chains, and large dazzling white polar caps.
They Sat under a broad banyan tree and gazed out at the dark ocean dotted with the lights of merchant ships and pleasure boats.
Gently undulating landscapes with meandering streams alternated with wide oceans dotted with picturesque island groups.
The Andes, serried like dragons' teeth, sparkled as the sun rose behind them, chasing them eastwards across a peach-coloured ocean dotted with green islands.
Sara walked outside and stared out at the dark ocean, dotted with the reflection of stars; a quarter moon lay on its side in the night sky.
You can't help it after crossing Tresco Island's lush interior and walking through sandy grass into a wall of dazzling colour: bleached white sand, emerald-and-turquoise ocean dotted with islands and impossibly blue sky.