One-third of those who attempted to flee perished in the ocean crossings.
Loathing plane travel and ocean crossings, he had not played in the United States for 25 years.
Since his survival drift, he's made dozens of additional offshore passages and ocean crossings, most of them with no more than two other crew.
Long ocean crossings interested him, too, because he loves to design highly specialized boats.
For many serious cruisers, financial, business and family considerations argue against the long-term full-time dedication that ocean crossings require.
Yacht transport generally eliminates costly, time consuming, and dangerous difficult ocean crossings, opening up cruising to more people.
You could be a very good glider pilot... with a few more ocean crossings under your belt.
Obviously, boats such as these are not designed for ocean crossings and the death rates for harragas are very high.
Along with shifting political considerations, the flying public continued to show interest in high-speed ocean crossings.
Yrvind has made several ocean crossings in his tiny boats.