The city and its suburbs have many kilometres of ocean coastline most of which is sandy beaches.
South Carolina's governor called for the voluntary evacuation of barrier islands and beachfront property along most of its ocean coastline.
Tom was held in an enclosure in the Sherekti desert not far from the ocean coastline.
It has no ocean coastline, but is on the Caspian Sea.
Sand dunes were flattened along the entire length of Delaware's ocean coastline.
For ease of coupling the two models the grids are aligned and the ocean coastline is forced to be aligned to the atmospheric grid.
Alaska has more ocean coastline than all of the other U.S. states combined.
WHILE kayaks are popular water craft for running rivers and exploring ocean coastlines, the boats are not always easy to launch.
There are more than 35 countries in the world which have no ocean coastline.
Situated near the Atlantic Ocean, Boston is the only state capital in the contiguous United States with an ocean coastline.