Viruses infect all cellular life and, although viruses occur universally, each cellular species has its own specific range that often infect only that species.
Liver glucokinase occurs widely but not universally throughout vertebrate species.
Evolutionary psychologists hold that behaviours or traits which occur universally in all cultures are good candidates for evolutionary adaptations.
It occurs nearly universally, and few languages (e.g. Mohawk) are known to lack this sound.
The seeds have an oily endosperm and generally contain large quantities of fatty oils, with the fatty acid petroselinic acid occurring universally throughout the family while rarely being found outside of the Apiaceae.
The Carnegie-Mellon group decided to ignore such things, noting that unmixing occurs consistently and universally, from powders to nuts.
Universal concepts denote phenomena which are presumed to occur universally, regardless of historical epoch or type of society.
In the 1950s, it was believed that clogging of arteries and narrowing of arteries (atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis) was a normal part of aging and occurred universally as people became older.
In another example, to speak of 'heterosexual behavior' as occurring universally is to apply one term to a great variety of activities produced within a great variety of sexual and gender systems.
Dreaming, he said, "is a universally occurring neurotic symptom," neurotic in the sense that artists and writers are neurotic.