It is thus not a static phenomenon occurring at only single places.
She wondered why weird things always seemed to occur at places like this, then reasoned that the atmosphere just lent itself to it.
Other Peripheries are passing phenomena that occur at places of mediation between mundane and spiritual.
Most viewing occurs at places where bears congregate because of feeding opportunities that are critical to their survival.
For the Documents and Physical delivery, it usually occurs at different places which depending on the location of the ship.
The attack occurred at multiple places within the city, including a rehabilitation center where 19 of the victims died.
This theme has occurred at several places in the Quran which explains the full meaning.
His arrivals occurred at times and places that crooks least expected.
Errors may occur at multiple places in mail delivery.
The crimes occur at other various places, but there are eight locations on the board that players visit and interrogate witnesses.