The occupying German army used the unfinished church as a parking lot, while in 1944 the partisans and the Red Army used it with the same purpose.
The hôtel served as the headquarters of the occupying German army during World War II.
Sternefeld wrote his first symphony in 1943 while hiding from the occupying German army.
In August 1944, the occupying German army ordered an immediate evacuation of nearly two thousand hospital patients.
She left Paris to avoid the occupying German army during World War Two, which entered the city in June 1940.
During the night of 27 August 1944, the occupying German army, upon evacuation, destroyed the port and mined the harbor.
He was parachuted into Crete and fought with guerrilla forces against the occupying German army.
It had allegedly been hidden there before the Second World War to prevent the occupying German army from removing it from the chapel.
However, a permanent race track was not constructed until after the war, using communications roads built by the occupying German army.
One of the two surviving talaiots here was used in 1782, when the Spanish troops besieged the occupying British army.