Noise complaints have also soared, despite the fact that the isolated airport occupies 54 square miles, an area twice the size of Manhattan.
Placed at 12-foot intervals and well over a stroller's head, the panels will occupy 23 miles of park walkways.
Israeli forces now occupy a strip about 6 miles deep and 50 miles wide in southern Lebanon to prevent such attacks.
It is one of the most densely populated communities in the entire country, with over 75,000 residents occupying just 3.8 square miles.
Its watershed occupies 133.9 square miles (357 square kilometers).
Occupying four square miles in central Baghdad, it is home to about 5,000 Americans and Britons.
The installation would comprise 130 turbines in a grid that would occupy 24 square miles of the sound.
This village occupies 1.8 square miles (4.64 square kilometers) of land area.
However, since the whole island occupies only 32 square miles and has no border facilities, drivers can wander freely from one to the other.
It lies mainly east and south of Bermuda and occupies some 2,000,000 square miles (5,180,000 km2).