He said the report found a "relatively low but statistically significant effect" of increased cancers among people in some occupational and residential settings.
Implications of identity and identity construction can be seen in occupational settings.
In occupational settings, people willingly accept higher doses.
Blood is the single most important source of HBV and other blood-borne pathogens in the occupational setting.
In occupational settings, workers who inhale 2-butoxyethanol have experienced skin, eye and nose irritation.
Studies in occupational settings have been included, however, if they might be generalizable to the primary care setting.
Since many bio-agents reproduce rapidly and require minimal resources for propagation, they are also a potential danger in a wide variety of occupational settings.
Practitioners strive for an optimal human-machine match in occupational settings rich with environmental hazards and engineering countermeasures.
In the vast majority of modern occupational settings there will be no risk.
Face masks are generally not recommended by the CDC in normal home or occupational settings.