On-board electronic devices have also contributed substantially to vehicle performance, occupant comfort, ease of manufacture and cost effectiveness.
To ensure occupant comfort at the top of the building wind tunnel testing was conducted by the structural designers.
In spaces such as classrooms and offices, light shelves have been proven to increase occupant comfort and productivity.
Controlling ventilation to improve occupant comfort and save energy.
By controlling humidity at your facility, you can increase occupant comfort and allow for further downsizing of equipment.
The system is also controlled by CO2 sensors which maximize occupant comfort while saving energy.
The trouble is, cabin engineering for the sake of occupant comfort has compromised carrying capacity.
Users could alter comfort levels and the degree to which the seats tilted in cornering to improve occupant comfort.
One wants motion(I'd assume for generation), the other wants to resist it for occupant comfort.
Such 'well building' design emphasis can improve occupant comfort, health, and well-being, in turn reducing employee absenteeism and turnover.