And single-room occupancy buildings, which have been virtually eliminated by government rules, could serve to house many of the individuals featured in your series.
Fire Lanes also provide clear space for egress from a burning building and should therefore be wider for larger occupancy buildings.
In each instance I toured a single-room occupancy building in which tenants alleged that illegal construction was in progress.
Emergency lights are standard in new commercial and high occupancy residential buildings, such as college dormitories.
Modern emergency lighting is installed in virtually every commercial and high occupancy residential building.
New York City's moratorium on the demolition or alteration of single-room occupancy buildings is meant to preserve inexpensive housing.
Today Kearsley has little industry, the one remaining mill is now a multi occupancy building housing retail and light engineering.
But Ms. Sherman hopes that if he finds a place in a single-room occupancy building, he can find a job more easily.
He was helping yesterday to dedicate a five-story, single-room occupancy building at 341 West 51 Street.
Quite different is the approach adopted by the city in its law banning alterations and demolitions in single-room occupancy buildings.