In 1958 he became director of information for RTL Radio, and had to set aside his occult interests for the sake of his reputation.
John Webster (1610-1682), also known as Johannes Hyphastes, was an English clergyman, physician and chemist with occult interests, a proponent of astrology and a sceptic about witchcraft.
His occult interests also led to his friendship with Bernard Bromage (1899-1957), an English writer on mysticism and a member of the secret order of the Fraternity of Inner Light.
His occult interests were kept secret during his years in office, and only became publicized later.
His mother regularly visited mediums and tarot readers, which he believes was a major influence in his occult interest.
Although Chumbley was mainly known for his involvement with English traditional Witchcraft, primarily that of East Anglia, his occult interests and influences were extremely diverse.
He is said to have been banished from the poetry circle of Victor Neuburg, known for his occult interests, for making jokes about 'yogis and bogeys'.
Within a few months, Si-gnora Grazia simply couldn't keep up with the Diabolicals, as we had come to call the SFAs with occult interests.
A few surviving items have suggested that he may have belonged to an early proto-masonic society, similar to the Gentleman's Club of Spalding, and pursued occult interests.