People can be very tricky when they're in the grip of a strange occult force.
He won't even know it, but his powers will keep him hidden from prying occult forces.
Doyle attributes the phenomenon to the same occult forces that make dowsing possible.
Laura looked around wildly, waiting for the first sign of the apparition, the explosion of occult force.
And since no occult force was at work, perhaps you can suggest who would have had a motive to cut the doctor's throat.
I am a simple healer, and one whose gift it is to be sensitive to certain occult forces.
The occult forces that had to be controlled so that they would power man's chariot.
Never before in his life had he seen the demonstration of an apparent occult force.
An eternal, Mist's physical body was supposedly slain by an ancient occult force.
Was it possible that she was being overlooked and some occult force had been set in motion to check her?