He defended Asumi from ridicule by other classmates throughout their childhood despite occasionally teasing her as well, and it has been suggested that he sees her as a romantic interest.
A Tease by Balanchine Balanchine occasionally teased Mr. O'Brien about how late he used to get to the theater to prepare for performing Drosselmeyer.
He occasionally teases Fuko Kuzuha in a rude and hostile way, but despite this, he harbors a strong crush on her.
However, she knows what she wants and is good at her job, and forms a perfect team with Berghammer (whom she occasionally teases for his set ways).
Mystery, anticipation and surprise all lie at the heart of the events, and Mr. Jobs will occasionally tease his audience, pretending to walk off stage, before returning and saying, "Oh!
He couldn't help but tease occasionally.
In spite of this, they still occasionally tease each other.
Although his co-workers occasionally tease Mr. Gunther about his size, they are gentler than people outside the program.
Quite a helpful, friendly little girl who occasionally teases her brother.
I thought that the surroundings must be making him uneasy; though he occasionally teased Ian, whom he regarded as a younger brother, he was seldom cruel about it.