These were occasionally supplemented with cheese, fish, olive oil and meat of low quality.
The story is occasionally supplemented with newspaper clippings that relate events not directly witnessed by the story's characters.
The congregation uses CH4, occasionally supplemented by songs and hymns from other resources.
Almost all British marshals are unpaid volunteers supplemented occasionally by certain paid crews for special duties.
Expenses are typically covered by fees, supplemented occasionally by grants or donations.
Although Cheers operated largely around that main ensemble cast, guest stars and recurring characters did occasionally supplement them.
Seeds and invertebrates may occasionally supplement the diet.
Two percussionists occasionally supplemented the sound with gentle Latin and African rhythms.
As at several other malls, the security staff is supplemented occasionally by off-duty city police officers who wear their regular police uniforms.
It can be fed flakes and tablet foods supplemented occasionally with frozen foods.