Although she was planning to move to California, he courted her tirelessly, occasionally resorting to a few tricks from his college days to impress her.
Contestants occasionally resorted to jumping up and down on their boards to get a little forward propulsion.
In addition to these nefarious activities, Villette occasionally resorted to blackmailing his clients.
While traveling, they had little money and occasionally resorted to selling their blood or working odd jobs for much-needed funds.
A jar of gefilte fish sometimes found its way into the refrigerator, and our parents occasionally resorted to Yiddish for private conversation.
Nevertheless, it was a worrying period, and for the first time in his life he occasionally resorted to taking one of my sleeping-tablets.
The soldiers quickly worked out that their letters were being monitored, and in response they occasionally resorted to coded language.
It resorts occasionally to limiting the number of products, especially with the coveted LV, that any one customer can buy.
He occasionally resorted to wetting the bread to remove the more stubborn accretions.