Along with regulars like Mike Richter and Brian Leetch, Messier has occasionally practiced at the team's training facility in Rye during the lockout.
He has only occasionally practiced at center since joining the Jets in 1984.
Shamanism is present in Achuar lifestyle and witchcraft is occasionally practiced by both ritual specialists and laypersons.
Ara-waza, literally coarse techniques, are occasionally practiced by Iwama style Aikido practitioners.
He bowed in respectful greeting, an old-fashioned, courtly gesture that had gone out of style long before Alfred's childhood, but had been occasionally practiced among the elder Sartan.
Cyanide fishing is occasionally practiced in the Maldives to capture aquarium fish.
Cannibalism has been occasionally practiced as a last resort by people suffering from famine, including in modern times.
He has practiced occasionally on a limited basis, as he did today.
He had practiced with a savage sword occasionally, but in his present condition he wondered if he could even lift one.
As formerly practiced (and occasionally still practiced for special purposes), laboratory training was conducted in "stranger groups," or groups composed of individuals from different organizations, situations, and backgrounds.