Benson was restless and occasionally murmuring but still below the level of consciousness.
As she smiled and occasionally murmured pleasantries over tea, her mind was abuzz with activity.
I'm not, though I'll admit I still occasionally murmur to myself, "Tarzan bundolo!"
During Board meetings, he would occasionally murmur "Where is the money to come from?"
Innocent listened with what appeared to be little attention, occasionally murmuring phrases on the order of "killing the goose which lays the golden eggs."
Menzies stayed close beside her, occasionally murmuring compliments on the cases she had curated or arranged.
Ms. Villani looked rooted to the ground, occasionally murmuring sad lines from what sounded like a folk song, her arms reaching and grappling.
He still missed the cadences, the grandeur of the Latin and occasionally murmured his responses in the language of the past.
But as the weather lifted and my game improved, Bill would occasionally murmur "fine shot" or "well played."
Screams for Rescue ll morning the waves came in murmuring softly and occasionally rising out of line and falling in a muffled boom.