Pen-F series cameras are occasionally modified to mount standard motion picture camera lenses for use as film test cameras with 35mm motion picture films.
The buildings are occasionally modified, but the population and technology are always the same, at least as far as any of us have been able to tell.
ISIHAC is recorded around the United Kingdom, and the game is occasionally modified accordingly.
Because of the embargo, which is occasionally modified as political pressures ebb and flow, American businesses need special licenses for commercial activity in Cuba.
The ship is occasionally modified to fit the purposes of the plot.
In addition, the shape of the vessel was occasionally modified, taking on a more square appearance.
During the Warring States Period the shape of the vessel was occasionally modified, taking on a more squared appearance.
Prince Williams rig was designed according to traditional rules and is occasionally modified slightly with trainees in mind.
The constraints must be modified occasionally, to enable changes which otherwise could not occur.
Teeth, ears and other such body parts were occasionally modified, for example by writing on them or fashioning them into utilities or other artifacts.