The character occasionally manifests as a huge transparent humanoid so lesser beings can perceive the entity.
An old man whose genetic mutations allow for "deep mind" abilities, which occasionally manifest themselves telekenetically.
Merlin occasionally manifests through Alex, and everyone sensible runs for cover.
In the fourth season, Jaden has been fused with Yubel's soul, and its power occasionally manifests in the form of bichromatic eyes.
The giantess theme occasionally manifests in music videos as well, notably Pamela Anderson's role as a giantess in the video Miserable for the rock group Lit.
This colouration occasionally manifests in modern labs as a small white chest patch - known as a "medallion" - or as a few stray white hairs on the feet.
Against this background, the British-born speakers show especially differentiated behaviour, sticking mostly to London English but occasionally manifesting strategic switches into Creole.
Also, many of these traits occasionally manifest in modern humans, particularly among certain ethnic groups traced to Neanderthal habitat ranges.
Over the years Mr. Wong has acquired a passionate following - one that occasionally manifests cultlike tendencies - for his sensual visual style and oblique narratives of erotic longing.
Not surprisingly, this yearning occasionally manifests itself in proclamations that a revolution is at hand.