Although occasionally harassed by the Kempeitai, he was not arrested.
She was occasionally harassed by night raids from the Japanese-held island, and on the night of 9-10 February 1945 helped destroy two swimmers approaching with an explosive raft.
Although players in Brown's "African Theatre" were occasionally harassed by some white New Yorkers, in 1822 Brown built a playhouse on Mercer between Bleecker and Houston Streets.
Community complaints and police crackdowns result; the customers are occasionally harassed but rarely arrested.
Nevertheless, Mr. Krishtofovich was occasionally harassed by the authorities, but he never suffered the punishment and degradation that other artists did.
He and Ms. Wu said they had been harassed occasionally by security agents and felt worried enough to send their son, now 4, to live with relatives.
The party was occasionally harassed by groups of Inuit aboard kayak and umiak, but successfully suppressed the occasional aggressive posturing and developed good trading relations.
But except for the fact that she has been occasionally harassed and stalked by the ex-husband of her first divorce client, Mrs. Alter took to the practice with alacrity.
They are also occasionally harassed by the local security forces, who are generally aware that they are Israeli citizens but turn a blind eye in exchange for bribes.
Throughout the game, Pac-Man is occasionally harassed by three of the four ghosts from the classic Pac-Man games.