Off to the right he occasionally glimpsed the road, the sports car still parked beside it.
Chisum, who he glimpsed occasionally, was his only contact with reality.
Midtown, less than three miles away, is occasionally glimpsed from here, like some distant, unrelated land.
They are occasionally glimpsed staring up with wide black eyes from below pond and lake surfaces.
One usual sight to the north of the 'Trail' is the giant white sphere which can be glimpsed occasionally.
They were a decoy to the powerful mind she glimpsed occasionally as it groped over the land.
In the film, Ms. Hunter is occasionally glimpsed fighting back tears.
He had occasionally glimpsed such men at gatherings or festivals or, twice, when travelling on the road.
Covered with vegetation, the dark core can be glimpsed occasionally through sunspots which are nothing more than temporary rents in the blazing shell.
We rode on smoothly for approximately 10 kilometers, occasionally glimpsing the port's gargantuan cranes through the trees.