Bright, silent sheet-lightning still flashed occasionally across the gorge hi the west.
They were a surly lot, except for the pregnant Betazoid, who occasionally flashed him a smile.
The local police cruised through it every evening, occasionally flashing their lights into a darkened car.
Wine catalogues occasionally flash a bit of humor - again, without knowing it.
So it wasn't surprising that the swarm occasionally flashed silver in the sun.
He held up the egg, which flashed occasionally from some inner light and gave off tiny white prominences.
They stood, staring at the leaves, which flashed occasionally in the listless air.
When he gets into his complete repertory, Smith occasionally flashes the game of someone a foot smaller.
He occasionally flashed small lights at the audience and he played a drum in his solo's second episode.
The speck flashed occasionally as powerful rocket motors trimmed its course.