Hardwick occasionally doubled violin and string bass in the 1920s, but specialized on alto sax.
By way of entertainment, saloons offered dancing girls, some of whom occasionally or routinely doubled as prostitutes.
The auditorium also occasionally also doubles as a gym for special sports events.
The box gave out a constant stream of beeps as the Doctor walked, occasionally doubling back on himself.
He is also an accomplished flautist and occasionally doubles on flute in live performances.
This reserve land occasionally doubles as a sheep farm and includes a car park lookout point for general public use.
While it is never explicitly stated in the film, it is implied that she is a nightclub girl who occasionally doubles as a high-class prostitute.
As the comic gained its primary audience through the website, Sam gradually experimented with other layouts, occasionally doubling, tripling, or even quadrupling the usual comic size.
Harry Carney, primarily a baritone saxophonist, occasionally doubled on bass clarinet.
As a result, he does not make much money out of this venture and occasionally doubles as a club harker in order to make ends meet.