A creek, rushing alongside the road, occasionally disappeared and emerged somewhere else.
Later, it flickered and shrank into something smaller, something which now occasionally disappears altogether.
He occasionally disappeared for days and came back refreshed.
Daryth's tiny figure, occasionally disappearing around some bend in the trail, brought up the rear to guard against surprise.
Others flickered in midstep and occasionally disappeared entirely.
As the years pass Marius happily continues his life, disappearing occasionally to attend to the Divine Parents.
His records show that he occasionally disappeared from his bed and wandered about the hospital before returning on his own.
There are English subtitles that occasionally disappear against white backgrounds, but the decidedly heroic scope of Gance and his project comes through clearly.
Loiosh flew above me and occasionally disappeared for brief intervals when he found something to scavenge.
The boys and girls disappeared occasionally, and he remembered rumors of their drinking together from hip-pocket flasks.