It was impossible for Gideon to hate him without guilt and an occasional twinge of sorrow.
Certainly not, say 61%, although 23% admit to an occasional twinge of envy.
Other than an occasional twinge in my arm and leg, I am feeling quite well.
Several people greeted Travis, and she felt an occasional twinge of discomfort as eyes often passed over her in speculation.
Lorn, not yet at peace with the situation, was still subject to occasional twinges of jealousy.
And despite the occasional twinge of jealousy, Cadillac had made remarkable progress.
The pain was mild, but what had at first been an occasional twinge now occurred with every step.
She wants to figure out what is wrong with Yokonomi's kidneys, which have been causing him occasional twinges.
She cautiously eased herself up, causing no more than an occasional twinge in her shoulders, and edged over to the near wall of the cave.
But for an occasional twinge, like an old bonebreak.