The pellet wasn't effective beyond 500 yards, but the strikers carried rockets to handle the occasional distant target.
They are occasional targets of Kleptoparasitism by other fish-eating birds such as gulls, skuas and frigatebirds.
Mayor Menino, a regular listener and an occasional target, stopped by to proclaim the city's appreciation and take calls from listeners.
Instead of throwing them out, I suspect he let them hang there to serve as occasional targets of his derision.
And he found himself an occasional target in absentia, with various candidates deriding his position on abortion and his lack of executive experience.
Recruiting centers have been an occasional target for insurgents trying to interfere with the government's efforts to build the Iraqi security forces.
Sanders's work in the desegregation case made him the occasional target of hostile telephone calls and letters.
The sign is an occasional target of vandalism because of its association with school spirit.
Our caution notwithstanding, it was difficult not to offer the enemy an occasional easy target.
As he testified, there was no sense that the Court had been on his mind except as the occasional target of a right-wing polemic.