There is occasional support by the city government such as the renovation of the guard tower.
Planks had been set up between them, with an occasional support stuck in below if the thing sagged too much.
For those like Charlie (and myself) all that's required is occasional support and a few extra gadgets- much cheaper than a specialist school.
His gloved right hand used the wall as an occasional support, while his left arm, rested limp against his side.
Vorkosigan then insisted on a tour of the building, drafting Ekaterin once more as occasional support, though he stumbled very little now.
Money was tight (Anderson earned "two dollars for a day of ten hours"), but with occasional support from Karl, they got by.
Most of the reaction in the media, Congress and by the public was negative, although occasional support for the idea was expressed as well.
For fifty years, he cared for his nieces-in-law with consistent attention and occasional financial support.
Apart from providing occasional support to the military, he then resigned from his position due to illness.
Especially controversial was Bauer's occasional support of eminent domain for these projects.