There were fields on either side with occasional stands of pine trees scattered unpredictably over the landscape.
The dunes behind it are low and scrubby with an occasional stand of palmettos.
There were wastelands near the swamp, rock and sand with occasional stands of cactus, with no place to hide in all their emptiness.
She can handle an occasional one-night stand.
Curiosity lured him into bars, clubs and the occasional one-night stand.
The land nearby combined rolling hills with occasional stands of trees.
He made occasional good stands among some fairly indifferent scores in the remaining five matches in which he played.
The area is a tropical rainforest, interspersed with occasional stands of mirití palm and savanna with xerophytic vegetation.
Before them was a vast expanse of undulating grass, dotted with occasional stands of willow and cottonwood trees.
The land was level and gray-green all the way to the far horizon, interrupted only by straight ditches and occasional stands of trees.