As the day went on, we had incredibly hard rain followed by hail, very strong winds and occasional spells of sunshine.
But the food is so good that it's well worth enduring the occasional spell of slow service.
The county has warm summers with occasional hot spells and cool rainy periods.
Spring time weather is pleasant with the occasional cold spell coming from the northeast.
Summer days are warm, with normal July highs in the 90s and occasional hot spells that near 100 degrees.
But modern life presents serious problems, and the girls can't help casting the occasional spell to try to sort things out.
However, occasional dry spells create problems as well, such as food shortages for the wildlife in the park.
March and April can be pleasant although there are occasional spells of high humidity.
The novel is alive and well, but subject to occasional spells of depression about its future.
The family is unable to care for him during his occasional good spells.