The only sounds Wili heard were the cool wind through the trees, the steady clapclapclap of the horse's rubberized shoes, its occasional snort in the darkness.
There's sand beneath my feet, chirping outside and the occasional snort of an irritable camel.
She could hear the occasional snort and stamp of a pony, then jumped out of her skin, as something cold and snakelike was thrust into her hand.
After eating" Jules and Yvette went through the story with interest-if with an occasional snort or giggle.
However, he is not beyond the occasional snort from his whisky flask, and he offers the Puritans a "drappie."
The mare picked her way delicately along ledges of rotten, sliding stone with only an occasional snort of protest at the poor quality of the trail.
The plains were still, cut through by the occasional snort of a tired morope or the drunken shouts of the soldiers.
(For the record, I saw the show at the Broadhurst with Ms. Alderson, who restricted her responses to the occasional snort.)
Nebe's laughter had dwindled to an occasional snort.
He could hear the occasional snort and pawing of the band's co'chyn that had been tethered somewhere outside.